
Sincerity, simplicity and direct words are prized when you speak to me about love. While the words are sparely used, their direct effect causes my heart to sing. I want to hear more.

Speak to me in words that make me happy to be; happy to serve day and night, picking up socks, following after to keep the food fresh as I return to the fridge what you’ve taken out.

Speak to me simply saying how much you care; how important I am, how magnificent we are; and how wonderfully proud to have our children.

Speak to me softly, whisper in my ear how significant my actions help you, make you grow, and feel valued.

Speak to me respectfully, supporting my words by acknowledging my intelligent thoughts and analysis’ about our projects and plans.

Value me above all others, showing me through your actions and words each day that I make a difference to you.

Show me you care



via Daily Prompt: Lovingly